AvantGarden: Datastream Logs
Audio-visual artworks, video camera filters for SnapChat, digital images
3D graphics, sound: Tanja Vujinovic
Biomechanical data, Audio-visual artwork, 9:40 minutes
Flowerissimo, Audio-visual artwork, 22:38 minutes
Production: Ultramono, 2022-ongoing

Datastream Logs is a virtual ride and a mashup of 3D graphics, avatars, and selfies presented as video camera filters, stickers and digital paintings, and a trip into the heart of our digital lives. Datastream Logs is an ongoing collection of raw collages and 3D experiements with video camera filters and empowering chants that embrace imperfections, the initial energy of ideas, and celebrate the beauty of the chaos.

This sensory riot is a rebellious frenzy of quick sketches and automatic writing giving alternative insight into desktop operations of the DIY attitude behind the AvantGarden project. It is a cyberpunk, acid graphics meet selfies collage chaos with chants, daily notes, mashup sketches, and digital riot doodles.


AvantGarden: Datastream Logs
Audio-visual artworks, video camera filters for SnapChat, digital images
3D graphics, sound: Tanja Vujinovic
Biomechanical data, Audio-visual artwork, 9:40 minutes
Flowerissimo, Audio-visual artwork, 22:38 minutes
Production: Ultramono, 2022-ongoing

Datastream Logs is a virtual ride and a mashup of 3D graphics, avatars, and selfies presented as video camera filters, stickers and digital paintings, and a trip into the heart of our digital lives. Datastream Logs is an ongoing collection of raw collages and 3D experiements with video camera filters and empowering chants that embrace imperfections, the initial energy of ideas, and celebrate the beauty of the chaos.

This sensory riot is a rebellious frenzy of quick sketches and automatic writing giving alternative insight into desktop operations of the DIY attitude behind the AvantGarden project. It is a cyberpunk, acid graphics meet selfies collage chaos with chants, daily notes, mashup sketches, and digital riot doodles.


Ultramono Lab Sansar

